Agri Samplers Ltd – DNA Auto Spore Sampler for early warning pathogen detection
The new DNA automatic spore sampler combined with web site provides an early warning to growers of imminent infection risk to crops from pathogens like fungal spores.
The DNA Auto Spore Trap is the latest innovation from Agri Samplers Ltd and can sample airborne pathogens by capturing and depositing them into sample pots prepared for downstream analysis within the machine. The auto spore trap samples 300 litres of air per minute, collecting airborne particles, such as fungal spores and bacteria.
Crop Protection Flexibility
The spore trap can be flexibly configured to sample for user-defined periods into each pot (minimum daily sample, user-defined start and stop within any 24-hr period).
At the end of the user-defined sampling period (usually 6am to 6pm which mirrors the spore release times), the sample is moved through a series of different processes to access and extract any DNA collected. After adding our stabilising solution, the resulting sample provides enough base material to enable up to 4 different DNA tests to be carried out against known pathogens.
There are a number of DNA pathogen reagent tests available currently (Septoria, Brown Rust, Sclerotinia, Potato Blight and Yellow Rust), with more actively being developed.
The user can purchase the relevant pathogen DNA tests from us in order for the DNA Auto Spore Sampler to monitor for up to 4 different types of infection risk associated with the crops being grown.
Pathogen Early Warning System
Installing the DNA Auto Spore Sampler on a building or raised platform provides an effective early warning system and allows growers to react swiftly to impending crop infections by spraying only when required. The ability to load the machine with more than one type of DNA test marker means that multiple crops can be protected using one device.
Rather than spraying regularly on a preventative basis regardless of infection risk, the early warning reactive approach means less chemicals are required resulting in considerable cost savings and fewer harmful chemicals being used unnecessarily, where it may affect other beneficial species.
How the DNA Auto Spore Sampler works
To identify specific pathogens DNA first needs to be obtained. This the DNA Auto Spore Sampler does via the intake which incorporates a weather vane to position the intake towards the prevailing wind for maximum sample capture.
Once collected, the auto spore trap breaks open the spores enabling the machine to access the DNA inside. A small sample of the disrupted spores is transferred to a tube within the device. This sample is then diluted with a liquid that prevents contamination from algae or molds, but also stabilises and nourishes the sample to keep it viable.
The subsequent sample size is now sufficient to test for up to 4 different pathogens of your choice, depending on the crops being protected e.g., oilseed rape, wheat or potatoes, etc.
The method used (DNA-specific assay) amplifies a specific sequence of DNA so that the DNA can be detected. The resulting amount of DNA is quantified by a fluorescent dye that binds to DNA. Light is fired at the reaction tube to cause fluorescence, which is measured every 5 seconds. The instrument is extremely simple to operate and is designed to run without intervention by the user for periods of up to 8 days. Sampling periods can be defined by the user to suit their requirements through a simple user menu built into the unit.
The DNA test vials can be supplied prefilled with reagents specific to the crop being monitored, and the user simply loads these into the instrument along with a small amount of liquid and new sample collection pots.
The auto spore trap can be monitored through a web portal web site or be set to trigger emails and SMS, which can be configured to alert the user of any impending crop diseases or other issues e.g., the test vials need to be replaced, or if the unit has an error.
NB: a single data subscription is required to enable the email and SMS alerts along with access to the SpraySaver data portal where all of the data is available
Crop Disease Risk Dashboard
Weather conditions are also a major contributor to infection risk, that’s why the DNA Auto Spore Sampler from Agri Samplers Ltd has its own onboard weather station which relays the weather data to a database. This weather data is combined with risk models and processed to inform on infection risk.
This data is transmitted automatically over the air using the unit’s internal 4G router, fitted with an AnyNet Secure SIM, where it is analysed, and the information is overlaid on a map. This AnyNet SIM is not tied to any particular network so it will use the best available network in the area where it is located.
Within a matter of minutes, the results are available to growers providing an accurate picture of their crop protection risk before any infection has taken place. Currently this data is sent via SMS and/or email and is also available via the Agri Samplers Ltd data portal “”. We are also working on the development of various APIs which will allow integration with various grower management farm software.
Crops Currently Covered
The following DNA assays have currently been developed for use with the DNA Auto Spore Sampler:-
- Potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans)
- Sclerotinia spores, which affect oilseed rape (canola) and a range of vegetables,
- Yellow Rust of wheat,
- Brown Rust
- Septoria
We are currently developing and testing a range of other different DNA assays covering more plant pathogens.
As mentioned earlier, the DNA Auto Spore Trap by Agri Samplers Ltd, is capable of monitoring for up to 4 pathogens at the same time, protecting a variety of crops against various diseases. The instrument is effective within a 5-mile radius of the sampling site, helping to monitor and protect multiple crops on a farm throughout key times of the year.
The instrument is powered by mains electricity (110/240V) and is usually positioned in an elevated position or on the roof of a farm building to avoid contamination from dust or other airborne particles caused by farm traffic.
Benefits for Growers
With the DNA Auto Spore Trap, growers receive an early warning of rising pathogen risks. This, combined with weather data, can help determine whether to spray the crop, delay spraying or even not spray at all.
The benefit of this system means significantly less chemicals are used in the protection of crops. The grower can move from a costly regular prophylactic prevention-based spraying to a more cost-effective responsive reaction-based approach. The net result is less harmful chemical use and significant cost savings worth £000’s.
Benefits for Researchers
The DNA Auto Spore Sampler is an extremely useful tool, able to monitor far more crops than previous non-autonomous systems. These savings include time in the field as well as the speed and efficiency of collating and analysing the data. With this new machine, data can be collected almost on a real-time basis adding an extra significant dimension to the data set and potential modelling of the pathogen.
Benefits for Chemical Industry
Modelling the efficacy of current pesticides in the field in real situations and weather events in near real-time can significantly enhance the development of new chemical-based crop protection. The new DNA Auto Spore Trap is the tool that enables far more detailed monitoring on an automated basis, reducing costs and improving data modelling.